Send 4 vills on wood crates and the rest on food crates (don't gather the 100 coin crate)
Build tp (with the 200 wood that you got from wood crates)
Send 4 vills on wood (gather 100 wood and build house)
Rest of the vills on food (when the 4 vills gather 100 wood then send them at food as well)
Send the 2vill+1 hacienda shipment (put the hacienda in the middle of the map or more aggresive depending on the civ you play against) IMPORTANT: enable the hacienda to be drop off point for military shipments and when you age up build barracks with the military building
While aging: Gather the 100 coin crate and macro all you're vills so you have 350 🪵🥩🪙 when you hit age 2
Age up with michoacan (you should be 14/20 when start aging)
Age 2: immediately revolt into central america and send all vills on wood and build 2 houses and then youre macro should be:
3 vills on 🪵
3 vills on 🪙
Rest of vills on 🥩
When you are in central america revolt the first shipment you will send is the 4 soldado shipment which gives you +1 petard for this and future shipments and the rest of the shipment points you will be spending is the infinite falconet shipment
You should be able to time it right so you have 5 revolutionaries+4 soldados+ 1 falconet +2 petards after you send the first falconet shipment
After this keep building houses, train revolutionaries and send the infinite 1 falconet shipment
IMPORTANT INFO: If you see that you don't need more pop space then build market and get hunting dogs and steel traps if possible and send the vills that were gathering wood on food
Use the 2 heroes you have to tank as much damage as possible and send petards on houses (depending on civ) military buildings and tc
The main reason you want to age up with michoacan is because they have a shipment which let's you see all enemy units and buildings on map so if they are hiding and rebuilding than it will not be a issue for you