Central America "all in" FF

A new entry in the "Memexico bull$hit" series. I present to you this all-in that hits with the strength of a fast fortress and is faster than the Querétaro FF by a minute and a half. Unlike most FF, you can rebuild your canons and have a reasonable economy behind at home. You will however, be stuck into a musk-fac composition with medriocre revolutionaries to cover your precious canons.
Game plan :
Develop your economy as much as possible for the first five minutes of the game then revolt to central america and perform a very early musk+falconet push around 7'00".
Age 1 :
- Perform a market opening. Research hunting dogs. Then macro for a house.
- If you have big coin treasures in base, it is better to mine for 125 coin then buy 100 wood at the market instead of choping 50 wood.
- All villagers on food. Start herding your 2nd herd toward your TC.
- Your first shipment is 2vils+hacienda. You can place it agressively or defensively. Each has its own advantages and drawbacks.
- Age-up with 14 villagers with Michoacan.
- To avoid TC downtime, eat your cow when the 13th villager is trained.
Transition :
- Herd with three villagers. All the others chop wood for placer mines, a house and 50 extra wood.
- Split your wood gathering villagers to food and coin. You should have 7 on food in total and 7 on coin.
- Queue 3 villagers in your TC with the food gathered in transition.
Age 2 :
- As soon as the age-up is done : ship 700w.
- Leave your military wagon around. We will use it when we revolt to build an artillery foundry.
- Use some food villagers to collect the XP crates. Once you have a new shipment available ship collegio de San Nicolas. The villagers on the XP crates get back to food once they are done.
- As soon as the wood crates arrive, collect them with your food villagers. Be quick, time is of the essence !
- If the instructions are followed, you will have all the necessary resources to revolt before your last queued villager is out. Queue a central america revolt.
Revolt :
- Collegio de San Nicolas should have arrived, giving you temporary vision of your opponent. Check if he is building a stable.
- If yes, ship Santamaria Fire. You need the extra anti-cav now !
- If no, you can ship 700 coin.
- You have excess food in your bank, start training revolutionaries at your TC. Try to keep your TC working at all times.
- Use coin villagers to build two houses with the wood from the crates. Then allocate your new villagers to have 12 on food and 12 on coin.
- Build a foundry with your wagon. Start training a falconet.
- If you shipped 700c, collect the coin crate with your coin villagers as soon as they are there. The timing is tight as you want to add another falconet to the batch before the first one finishes training.
- Push with your 10 revolutionaries and your falconets at 7 minutes.
Branching paths :
Your followup should be to ship 700w (again as the revolt recharged your crates) => 600c. From that point your next shipments depend on how your push fared and if you have enough revolutionaries to cover your canons. If your push is doing good, 600w for houses/tp/cathedral and market upgrades. If your push is not doing well, congratulations you have population space, ship 6 revolutionaries. Consider sending salvadorian coffee when it gives at least 8 villagers. Allocate 6 of these new villagers on wood. From this point your shipments will be barely worth anything and be expensives in terms of XP.
Notes :
Any deck that has Alhondigas de Granaditas and 700 wood is good to go. I've set up mine to look like a hard rush such that my enemy leaves me in peace while I greed before revolting. Since we age with Michoacan, water maps are nice. Ship/build culverins to pressure the shoreline before sending sloops.
You can tweak this build by sending the cathedral in transition and give up San Nicolas. It will slow you down by a few seconds.
WATCH OUT FOR RAIDS ! A dead villager cannot be replaced once you revolt.