Death Match
Ranked 1v1 Death Match. 261/200 @ 1m:56s. Jan + Artillery.

- 0s - 5 Vills immediately build 'mosque'
- 0s - Send Explorer to build nearest, Trading post or native settlement, make sure to group the native settlement for overpop support.
- 10s - Mosque built. Immediately research 'mercantilism' and send 4 Vills to walk 50 meters from TC to build 1x outpost or 5 vills for further distances.
- 10s - Remaining 2 villagers to build house, then 1-2 vill per house after you are at 30pop.
- 10s - Set Economic TC waypoint on building placements, so villagers auto build
- 20s - Mercantilism Researched. Immediately send the following 5 cards in this order; 1) 'Derbentler' card, 2) 22 Azap 3) Acemi Oglan School (20% cheaper infantry) 4) Matraki School (40% faster infantry train time) > 5) Palace Intrigue (Adv. Church card)
- 21s - Use 22 Azap to immediately build 3x Artillery Foundaries, so you can queue,artillery in this order; 1) 5 Mortar 2) 5 Culverin 3) 5 Horse Art, (optionally a 4th Art Foundary and queue 5 Field Guns)
- 30s - Spread the 22 Azaps around the flanks of the outpost and 11 Azaps to build 5 barracks to the left, remaining to build 5 barracks to the right,
- 40s - Queue Janissaries til 199/200 Pop. Try to populate 1-2 Batches no more. If you are exceeding the 2 batch limit, you are building your base and spreading builders incorrectly, review the first steps again.
- 1m50s - Send Shipment 2 bombards when at 199/200pop
- 1m56s - Send ALL church armies to farthest outpost,
- 2m0s - Push and micro.
- 2m10s - Send 8 Berber Allies, and adapt, Send unit upgrades, 2 factories on "bombard".
- The end - Fight , remake, send shipments, repeat.
First push.
- The rally points need to flow without obstruction and you need to focus your attention to making space and a path for art, so you can micro, with some jans in front. Resulting in first push with mortars in range of tc or first military buildings. Focus mainly on your culverins as the main battle, try to keep all 5 alive for as long as possible, you need them so you don't retreat.
- Acceptable artillery losses is 2 horse art, 5 culv, vs rush civs or hard defenses.
Forward Base.
- A quickly organized and built FB with the Azaps should support a 2x 5 batch Jan production, resulting in the all unit population graph going straight up to 260+ pop with cordially timed shipments (bombards, church armies). If you have a steep graph with no idle times, it will look perfectly diagonal and a vertical spike.
177 Military count to reach 262/200 pop (incl 10 vil) + before remaking. 
- 95+ Janisseries, 22 Azap, 5 Horse artillery, 5 culverin, 5 mortars, 5 spahi, 8 berber allies
Resources left will be exactly:
- 10510 food, 8369 wood, 7700 coin.
Spent on army will be
- 95+ Janissaries
- 8 berber allies (card)
- 5 mort, 5 horse art, 5 culv,
- 5 Spahi,20 nIzam, 3 bombards (adv church)
Free army will be,
- 22 Azap, 2 bombards (cards)
The remaining cards to send are for you to adapt to your enemy counter army:
- 6 Bosniak (18pop 1000 coin)
- 4 mamelukes (16 pop 1000 coin)
- 9 manchu (27 pop 1000 coin)
- 5 sipahis (15 pop 1000 food)
- 6 sipahis (18 pop 1500 food)
- 4 infinite sipahis (12 pop 1000 food)
- Total Cost = 3500 Food (61pop) + 3000 Coin (45pop)