Ethiopian Sudanese RUSH
Age 1
shoot the hunt with 2 vills, gather the chests with the left vills and built the market
train your first vill
build a granary
trade your cow for wood to built the house before getting idled and the village dogs
<ship 2 vills + 1 abuna>
| sundanese age up with 15 vills |
9 vills on wood and send the abuna to a mine
build the monastery
build a house-> all vills on food
Age 2
gather the 300 influence chests-> get the RED SEA WAGONS from the monastery
<ship big benny>
build the native embassy and the barracks in front of your enemy's base
sell the big benny soon as the barracks are build to get the snears from the granary
<ship 700 wood>
build another house and pump out GASCENYAS
(if you like train some suadanese derwishes, otherwise save the influence and ship the cannoneers)
use 700 wood for more gascenyas and houses
raid your enemy, idle his vills and try sieging down his military building(s)
<ship 4 vills>
so now you got to differ what your confronted with:
- cav, heavy infantry or an ff play
wood upgrade from the market
5 vills on wood-> more gascenyas
- skirms
instantly 6 vills on coin
-> add shotel warriors
in every case put an (extra) five vills on wood for houses
make sure to get the rest abuna, for eco and healing