Consulate Rush
House of Trading Post Community
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Consulate rush is solid and a great build order you can execute when facing opponents who are fast fortressing or focusing on a booming strategy, the consulate rush can be highly effective.
Your goal is to pressure your opponent into sending an Age 2 shipment due to your own pressure whilst continuously sieging their structures. This build order is a solid choice for in countering these types of builds successfully.
Age I
- 3 villagers --> wood crates. Assign 1 villager to herd your starting hunt towards your town center.
- Scout the map with your elephant explorers in the same direction (not opposite) and look for treasures that you can claim.
- 4-6 villagers on wood to maintain constant villager production until you have enough wood to queue up 12-13 villagers around the 2:40 minute mark. The rest of the villagers should focus on gathering food.
- Send the first shipment Distrivutivism when it's ready.
- It's ideal to advance to Age 2 around the 3:00 minute mark while maintaining a flexible macro strategy. Assigning 1-2 villagers to wonders is recommended, with 1 villager being the optimal choice.
- Forward Agra placement. However, it's important to be cautious when placing your Agra forward, especially against civilizations that have the potential to execute a semi-FF strategy. Holding off their early pushes can be challenging in such cases.
Transition Age 2
- All remaining villagers to chop 200wood to build the consulate, and 200 to build 2 houses.
- Ally with the British in the consulate.
Age 2
- Send the 300 exportation as second shipment. When arrives spend 400 exportation in British Expeditionary Company from the consulate.
- Start training Sepoys from the Agra Fort. And set it as military shipment point.
- Attack and pressure with 7 Sepoys (2 from ageup) and 6 Readcoats from the consulate.