No revolt FI

A very risky strategy where we reach age 4 as fast as possible without using Central america. Compared to the latter strategy, we are more exposed but have a better followup as we can get guard soldad(dy) upon reaching age4. Guard soldado are a menace and are hard to shift even for falconnets.
Game plan:
Reach age 4 fast and use the federal card Areteaga's reform to easily upgrade soldado or salteador to guard.
Age 1 :
- Market open. Age-up at 14vils with Querétaro.
- Ship Alhondigas followed by the cathedral.
Transition :
- Mine 300c in transition.
Age 2 :
- Train only two villagers at the TC. You will have idle time before going to age 3. It's ok. 
- Ship 700coin as soon as possible. Use villagers to gather the XP crates to speed up the shipment.
- Age with Tabasco or San Luis Potosi. Do not research fast age up.
Transition :
- Ship 700w as fast as possible.
- Build two houses and a TP with the wood. Save the rest for veteran soldado/salteador.
Age 3 :
- Pick up the coin. Reseach vet salteadore or soldado.
- 1000c => Age up with Guerrero or Guanajato.
- As soon as you have 2000 food, mine coin to pay for the faster age-up. Do not go over 700 coin in bank before 1000c arrive.
Transition :
- Shipping arteaga's reforms.
- Once arteaga's has arrived, research state religion at the cathedral. This will complete the age-up and you will receive double the XP crates in age 4 as well as double the number of soldado. The guard upgrade or your chosen infantry will be free as long as the veteran upgrade is already researched before Areteaga's reform arrive.
Age 4 :
Send shipments and push. You teammates covered you for 10 minutes, now it's your time to cover them. Be a good boy and sent Team Piniatas sooner rather than later to sling your allies.
Variants :
The cards marked with a Y are economic upgrades. They can be substituted out for military upgrades if you monocomp.