This strategy is for extremely cooperative noobs and mid-levels. 
This strategy is only for 4v4 game with teammates of China, India and (Italy/Dutch)
In this strategy, the critical point of ottoman part is to support teammates with team-card shipments in early game, develops its own economy and military as a supplement of teammates in mid-game, and become grenadier-spammer in the late game, offering support on anti-buildings and anti-artillery at the same time.
The opening
Standard Ottoman oping starts with 400 wood. Instead od regular strategies, ship 3 settlers /Capitalism as first card. Build 1 house, 1 market and 1 mosque. Research lv1 settler production in the mosque. There should be 75 wood left. All settlers should hunt / gather food. Age 2 as soon as possible. Choose the 400 wood aging reward. if 3 settlers were selected as first card, they should be sent 2 of them to mining after you start aging. Research lv 1 hunting tech if wood/coin treasures are available.
If italian teammates send lombards Markets, just build it and get xp.
Ship 700 coin as soon as reaching age 2. You're supposed to have 475/425/300 wood available depending on whether you have researched hunting tech. all settlers keep gathering food until you start aging 3. Choose the fast aging option, which is criucial for team shipment timing. When aging, gather coin and buy 200 wood from market. However, the stratrgy will differ depending on map type. You will be able to reach age 3 around 6min 10sec. If you make minor mistakes and no treasure you gather is helpful, you will reach age 3 around 6 min 25sec. If teammates are helpful, there is hope aging up in 6 min.
When you reach age 3, ship TEAM 500 COIN immediately. 
Mid-game strategy for water maps
One of the helpful tactics is going straight to age 4. However in team games, it could be done even better with team tactics. TEAM 500 COIN comes in 4 parts, reaching a total amount of 2000 coin. As a fast ager, ottoman reaches age 3 a lot earlier than China/India. You should take the Italian/Dutch stake of 500 coin by sending 1 settler to its base. The coin trickle+3 settler mining or 5 settlers mining will be fine.
You can use 500 wood to build 5 houses or 1 tc depending on your teammates' tactics. In this tactic, teammates are supposed to ship 82 population of unit cards before 8 min 50 sec. Therefore, building 5 houses as soon as aging 3 is recommended. You must ship 1000 wood crate as soon as the 4th shipment is available, and build another 5 house+1tc to boost economy. In order to boost economy or make military buildings, even more wood is needed. Thus, lombard should be used giving you a 2 wood/s. This will be a useful supplement before booming up.
When TEAM unit card arrives, you must atk with teammates, forcing enemy to concentrate on defending temselves.
Research lv 2 hunting and keep gathering food until it is enough to reach age 4. In this process, you may suffer from overpopulation and tc could not produce settlers.
If anything goes wrong and you are required to make anti-skirmisher or anti-cannon in early stage, just concentrate on grenadiers and ask your teammates to make anti-calvery and calvery.
If everything goes fine, you should be able to start aging 4 around 9 min 30s . Choose 3 sipahi or 1000 coin depending your need. If none of your teammate needs coin, you should choose 1000 coin for yourself. This is 1 min 30s slower than regular FI strategy, but you gain 1 extra tc and 10 houses and 82 population of early troops, which is closer to ff than fi.
Varients of mid-game strategy for land maps
You should still get to age 4 if India doesnt send his units, but you need to help making skirmishers and counter enemy offensives before you age up. You still send TEAM 500 COINs. You could choose to take none or still take the Italian/Dutch stake.
You can use 500 wood to build 5 houses or 1 tc depending on your teammates' tactics. In this tactic, teammates are supposed to ship 22 population of unit cards before 8 min 50 sec. Therefore, building 1tc as soon as aging 3 is recommended. You still must ship 1000 wood crate as soon as the 4th shipment is available, and build another tc to boost economy. The rest of the wood could be invested in military buildings ,eco upgrades and extra houses depending on the situation. If you need extra wood, use lombard if not urgent.
If everything goes fine and you didnt invest in any military items, you should be able to start aging 4 around 9 min 10s . Choose 3 sipahi or 1000 coin depending your need.
Late-game strategy
Depending on actual need, ship team 4 sipahi immediately upon reaching age 4 if your teammate ask you to. If necessary, ask them to transfer a reasonable amount of food to you if you dont have enough food. If your teammates are extremely short of coin, ship team 1000 coin. Whatever you ship, keep shipping 2 tc and 2 factories, cost cut and grenadier enhancement. If you run out of shipments. purchase xp in the mosque using 1500 coin. After that, focus on grenadier alone. Factories produce wood for yourself or make great bombards if teammates need it.