

Hausa - DEHausa

+8% XP required for shipments

Civilization bonus: Gets a free Sanga Cattle with all shipments. Universities generate Influence, especially when built in a Kingdom (nearby one Town Center, Palace and Trading Post). Age-Up Alliances: (each grant extra bonuses) • Two new technologies at the University • Units/Builders at the Palace or Town Center Unique Resource: Influence is a powerful resource spent primarily at the Palace on Native Warriors and Mercenaries. All unlocked features cost Influence. Generate it with Universities, Trading Posts and by controlling large herds of Livestock. Unique units: Maigadi, Griot, Fulani Archers, Raider and Lifidi Knight The wealthy Hausa kingdoms were magnets for merchants, intellectuals, and enemies. Their extensive trade relations and diplomacy enabled them to exert powerful influence over vast stretches of West Africa. The Hausa kings and emirs deployed powerful cavalry armies to compete with each other or conquer neighboring empires.

Starting resources and units


Technology Tree